English » 10th Grade Philosophy & Writing

10th Grade Philosophy & Writing

10th Grade Philosophy & Writing

Philosophy & Writing is a challenging course that will help students to grow into critical thinkers, analytical writers, and well-rounded philosophers. Students will be reading classical texts that have shaped the foundation of how past, present, and future societies think and act. Students will develop an appreciation for how different philosophical thoughts reflect and comment on the historical eras from which they emerged and how they continue to shape today’s society. Heavy emphasis will be placed on writing high-level academic essays in which students will deepen arguments and philosophies with textual evidence and literary analysis. Although very rigorous, Philosophy & Writing has been and will continue to be an enriching year that will challenge and strengthen students’ philosophies and beliefs.


Summer Assignment 2019 - 2020

A copy of the 2019-2020 Summer Assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.



If you have any questions, please contact

Mr. Kwon: [email protected]

Ms. Verma: [email protected]