English » 12th Grade AP Lit/British Lit

12th Grade AP Lit/British Lit

12th Grade AP Literature & Composition

12th Grade British Literature

AP Literature & Composition
The AP Literature and Composition course is specially designed to push all your skills and increase your knowledge of literature and writing. The literary works involved in this course will cover a range of time periods (i.e., 1600’s to contemporary), genres (i.e., novels, non-fiction, poetry, short stories), style, and themes. Each piece of work may or may not be “fun” to read, but through careful analyses of protagonists and antagonists, themes and motifs, and conflicts and resolutions, students can be sure to gain an appreciation and deep understanding of the texts as well as a broader perspective on the world of literature.


The emphasis for the course will be on class discussions, for such discourses drive both our interest and desire for self-improvement. A second goal—and by no means less important—for the course will involve improving writing through the study of grammar, advanced writing strategies, and self- and peer-revisions.


The final goal for all AP Lit students is to take the AP Lit and Comp exam on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 and receive a score of 3 or higher.

Note: Though all students’ goal is to receive a satisfactory score on the AP Lit exam, the test itself is by no means the most important. In order to excel in this course and perform well on the exam, students are encouraged to actually enjoy the reading and writing process, anticipate intellectual discourses that arise out of readings and writing prompts, and expand their perspectives on various topics.
British Literature
The curriculum will involve reading a variety of English literature—seminal novels to world-renown poems, from poignant short stories to historical articles. In an effort to gain an appreciation for the world of fictional literature, themes and topics will involve rich, in-depth exploration via discussions of characters, character developments, conflicts, resolutions, and text-to-self/text-to-society connections. 
Summer Assignment (2018-19)
The 2018 Summer Assignment for incoming 12th graders (2018-19 school year) is attached to this webpage. All incoming seniors must complete the summer assignment.
DUE DATE: The assignment is due FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018.
The Scope & Sequence (a general overview of the curriculum for the year) for both AP Literature & Composition and British Literature are also attached to this webpage.
Contact Mr. Kwon or Mr. Posner if you have any questions or concerns about the summer assignment or the classes.
Mr. Posner - [email protected]