Maspeth High School 360° - UFT Teacher Center
As a collaborative program of the United Federation of Teachers, the New York State Education Department and the New York City Department of Education, the UFT Teacher Center operates throughout the five boroughs of New York City in some 115 school-based sites.
Site-based Teacher Center staff support educational communities through:
Modeling instructional practices that meet the needs of 21st Century learners aligned with the P-12 New York State Learning Standards
Collecting, analyzing and interpreting data for instructional decision making
Providing ongoing mentoring support
Facilitating teacher-team meetings and study groups
Incorporating the principles of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to engage all learners
Integrating instructional technology into classroom practice
As a learning professional learning organization, the UFT Teacher Center has committed to:
Providing high-quality professional learning opportunities
Aligning with NYSED and NYCDOE initiatives to support all students
Supporting new teachers in our school system
Developing teacher leaders and building instructional capacity
Sponsoring Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours